Thursday, 23 September 2010

Other news…

Sorry if this is turning into a bit of a serialization fest; I do have other coding hobbies; simply this is the thing I’ve been spending my spare time on lately ;p

Silverlight WCF

It recently came to my attention that possibly Silverlight does now support the WCF extension points for swapping the serializer at runtime. Not via xml configuration, but via code configuration. Full details on Carlos’ Blog, but that is definitely an area I want to investigate – at least, if @abdullin will let me.

Interface serialization

Something a few people have asked for, and definitely not outside reach. In fact, Wallace Turner kindly donated a v1 patch to enable interface-based serialization. I’m keeping this “on ice” for now, simply to keep my main focus on finishing v2. But this exists and is certainly on the table for consideration.

Anyway, enough for now; the day job starts again in not-a-lot-of-hours…

protobuf-net on MonoDroid

I was very pleased to get an invite to the MonoDroid (Mono tools / environment for Android) beta earlier in the week, so in addition to a few v2 commits I’ve been playing with shiny new toys.

Wow; decent reflection!

Initially I made the mistake of thinking that MonoDroid would have the same reflection limitations as (say) MonoTouch. I even tied myself in knots trying to get around them! Then Jb Evian pointed out that actually MonoDroid can do full meta-programming at runtime! That is a huge plus for me… so; whack in a few conditional-compilation symbols and – wow! It works!

A taster

Don’t get too excited – this is only going to be brief…

Yes, another amazing example of my l33t UI skillz

Only intended to show something working, but here is v2 on MonoDroid, compiled at runtime, round-tripping some trivial data.

A small (but significant) step. Actually, the time taken to compile the model and run it the first time is still a bit slow for my liking – not sure if that is the emulator, the beta, or a general JIT issue – I’ll dig more and investigate rebasing further.

No really, this is all I have for gfx And of course as a fallback, I can still use runtime usage without “emit” – it is noticeably slower, but still works.

Again, without an actual device it is hard to gauge typical performance at this point, but I’m pretty hopeful.

So… if that works, what are you waiting for?

I still need to finish v2; some decent commits lately now that I’m all refreshed. The finishing line is within sight… oh, and MonoDroid needs to be released ;p

Sunday, 19 September 2010

protobuf-net; ushort glitch before r274

Dammit, I hate it when a gremlin shows up. I hate it even more when they show up a year later…

It turns out that a bug “fix” to ushort (unsigned 16-bit integers) handling back in October 2009 introduced a slight… “nuance” when moving between versions < r274 and >= r274. Basically, due to a braindead bug on my part, it was treating ushort data as strings rather than handling appropriately. This was fixed a year ago, but if you are moving between versions is a PITA.

Sorry for any inconvenience folks, but… well, it happened. I can’t change that. Anyway, how to fix?! The good news is NO DATA IS LOST - it is just a bit trickier to access. You wouldn't have encountered the issue if working against rigid .proto / cross-platform definitions (since .proto doesn't have direct ushort support), so I’ll limit myself to the pure .NET scenario. In which case, IMO the easiest fix is to introduce a shim property, so:

public ushort Foo {get;set;}

might be updated to:

private string FooLegacy { // a pass-thru
    get {return Foo.ToString();}
    set {Foo = ushort.Parse(value);}
private bool FooLegacySpecified { // suppress serialization
    get {return false;}
    set {}
[ProtoMember(42)] // any unused field number
public ushort Foo {get;set;}

This allows old-style and the correct data to be used side-by-side (always writing to the new format). For arrays, see my longer answer here, which also switches to the more efficient "packed" encoding, introduced later to the protobuf spec.

Sorry for any inconvenience folks. Fortunately use of ushort is fairly uncommon in .NET, so my hope is that there aren't vast hordes of people impacted by this unfortunate foible.

As a side note, I should add: I considered trying to add automatic handling of old data, but it transpires that the borked data is so similar to "packed" encoding as to be ambiguous in some cases, so trying to guess was too risky. And it would compound the issue by layering hack upon bug.

Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Truer than true

(edit: apols for the formatting; google ate my images - have replaced with source, but raw)

I’ve been quiet for a little while, due to general fatigue, changing job etc – but after a holiday I’m back refreshed and renewed.

So let’s start with a fun edge condition, inspired by my colleague balpha, who asked me “does C#/.NET/LINQ guarantee false < true?”.

So, is it?

I’m leaving LINQ aside, as for anything other than LINQ-to-Objects, all bets are off; so let’s just limit ourselves to C#; in that case the answer is pretty simple, “yes”. System.Boolean implements IComparable and IComparable<bool> such that this will always work. But not all .NET is C# ;p So how can we be evil here?

What is a boolean, anyways?

First, we need to understand that (in common with many runtimes/languages) the CLI doesn’t really know much about booleans – under the hood they are treated pretty-much the same as integers, with special treatment for “zero” and “not zero”. That means that technically we aren’t restricted to the expected values – it is simply that C# handles all the logic to make sure you only get sane values. But we can write our own IL – here I’m using DynamicMethod to create a bool with underlying value 2:

// write an evil non-C# function that returns something
// unexpected for a bool (but legal IL)
var dm = new DynamicMethod("mwahaha", typeof(bool), null);
var il = dm.GetILGenerator();
var func = (Func<bool>)dm.CreateDelegate(typeof(Func<bool>));
var superTrue = func();

The first thing to note is that you shouldn’t do this. So what does such a beast do? The first thing to note is that at first glance it appears to work as expected:

// is it true/false?
Console.WriteLine(superTrue); // prints: true
Console.WriteLine(!superTrue); // prints: false
// and does it *equal* true/false?
Console.WriteLine(superTrue == true); // prints: true
Console.WriteLine(superTrue == false); // prints: false

so the non-zero / zero handling is just like we expect? Well, no. The compiler isn’t helping us here, as it spots the constants. However, if we compare to variables, it uses the underlying value:

// really?
bool normalTrue = bool.Parse("true"), normalFalse = bool.Parse("false");
Console.WriteLine(superTrue == normalTrue); // prints: false
Console.WriteLine(superTrue == normalFalse); // prints: false

(I’m using bool.Parse here to avoid the compiler getting clever)

And ordering?

We could postulate that this “super-true” is more than “true”, or maybe we might suppose the implementation is going to just treat it as true. In fact, neither is correct – the implementation of CompareTo (testing in .NET 4) means that it simply breaks:

// how about sorting...
Console.WriteLine(superTrue.CompareTo(true)); // prints: 1
Console.WriteLine(true.CompareTo(superTrue)); // prints: 1 - oops!

That is going to make sorting very painful.

So what is your point?

Well, the first thing to note is that I haven’t disproven the original question; as far as I can tell, false is always less than true. However, you can get some very bizarrely behaved booleans. You would have to be crazy to deliberately introduce such shenanigans into your code, but it is something to perhaps at least know about as part of defensive programming / data sanitization – I’m fairly sure you could cause some nasty effects by passing 17 in as a bool to a few places…