Abstractions abstractions abstractions. IAbstraction
and AbstractionFactory
Ah, joy.
I get very very confused when I see people saying things like “but it must be done via EF” (substitute EF for any other tool), when the thing they are trying to do is clearly not suited to the abstraction.
Abstractions, as tools, are simply a way of reducing the overhead / complexity of doing something specific (managing the relationship between objects and a database in the case of EF). Sometimes they are fairly tight; sometimes they are leaky. But; to use any abstraction, it is absolutely critical to be aware of two related things:
- where the limits of the abstraction end
- how the underlying “thing” works
I get so weary of people using things like EF in the hope that they then “don’t need to learn SQL”. This is a false and destructive aim. You, as a professional developer, wouldn’t try to write a web-page without knowing at least the fundamentals of html and css? Would you? Really?
In the same way; occasionally, a tool simply isn’t aimed at the job you want to do. If you want to avoid pain, you need to recognise this as soon as possible. I’ve seen some horrible horrible ugliness intended to strong-arm an existing tool to do something that it didn’t want to. In most cases, simply using a different tool for that piece (yes, you are allowed to use more than one), or writing the code directly, would have been simpler, less buggy, and wouldn’t take a great big core-dump all over your shiny code. Code matters; don’t contaminate it.
[end rant]