Monday 30 July 2018

Pipe Dreams, part 3.1

Pipelines - a guided tour of the new IO API in .NET, part 3.1

(part 1, part 2, part 3)

After part 3, I got some great feedback - mostly requests to clarify things that I touched on, but could do with further explanation. Rather than make part 3 even longer, I want to address those here! Yay, more words!

Isn't ArrayPoolOwner<T> doing the same thing as MemoryPool<T>? Why don't you just use MemoryPool<T> ?

Great question! I didn't actually mention MemoryPool<T>, so I'd better introduce it.

MemoryPool<T> is an abstract base type that offers an API of the form:

public abstract class MemoryPool<T> : IDisposable
    public abstract IMemoryOwner<T> Rent(int minBufferSize = -1);
    // not shown: a few unrelated details

As you can see, this Rent() method looks exactly like what we were looking for before - it takes a size and returns an IMemoryOwner<T> (to provide a Memory<T>), with it being returned from whence it came upon disposal.

MemoryPool<T> also has a default implementation (public static MemoryPool<T> Shared { get; }), which returns a MemoryPool<T> that is based on the ArrayPool<T> (i.e. ArrayMemoryPool<T>). The Rent() method returns an ArrayMemoryPoolBuffer, which looks remarkably like the thing that I called ArrayPoolOwner<T>.

So: a very valid question would be: "Marc, didn't you just re-invent the default memory pool?". The answer is "no", but it is for a very subtle reason that I probably should have expounded upon at the time.

The problem is in the name minBufferSize; well... not really the name, but the consequence. What this means is: when you Rent() from the default MemoryPool<T>.Shared, the .Memory that you get back will be over-sized. Often this isn't a problem, but in our case we really want the .Memory to represent the actual number of bytes that were sent (even if we are, behind the scenes, using a larger array from the pool to contain it).

We could use an extension method on arbitrary memory pools to wrap potentially oversized memory, i.e.

public static IMemoryOwner<T> RentRightSized<T>(
    this MemoryPool<T> pool, int size)
    var leased = pool.Rent(size);
    if (leased.Memory.Length == size)
        return leased; // already OK
    return new RightSizeWrapper<T>(leased, size);
class RightSizeWrapper<T> : IMemoryOwner<T>
    public RightSizeWrapper(
        IMemoryOwner<T> inner, int length)
        _inner = inner;
        _length = length;
    IMemoryOwner<T> _inner;
    int _length;
    public void Dispose() => _inner.Dispose();
    public Memory<T> Memory
        => _inner.Memory.Slice(0, _length);

but... this would mean allocating two objects for most leases - one for the actual lease, and one for the thing that fixes the length. So, since we only really care about the array-pool here, it is preferable IMO to cut out the extra layer, and write our own right-sized implementation from scratch.

So: that's the difference in the reasoning and implementation. As a side note, though: it prompts the question as to whether I should refactor my API to actually implement the MemoryPool<T> API.

You might not want to complete with success if the cancellation token is cancelled

This is in relation to the while in the read loop:

while (!cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)

The more typical expectation for cancellation is for it to throw with a cancellation exception of some kind; therefore, if it is cancelled, I might want to reflect that.

This is very valid feedback! Perhaps the most practical fix here is simply to use while (true) and let the subsequent await reader.ReadAsync(cancellationToken) worry about what cancellation should look like.

You should clarify about testing the result in async "sync path" scenarios

In my aside about async uglification (optimizing when we expect it to be synchronous in most cases), I ommitted to talk about getting results from the pseudo-awaited operation. Usually, this comes down to calling .Result on an awaitable (something like a Task<T>, ValueTask<T>, or .GetResult() on an awaiter (the thing you get from .GetAwaiter()). I haven't done it in the example because in async terms this would simply have been an await theThing; usage, not a var local = await theThing; usage; but you can if you need that.

I must, however, clarify a few points that perhaps weren't clear:

  • you should not (usually) try to access the .Result of a task unless you know that it has already completed
  • knowing that it has completed isn't enough to know that it has completed successfully; if you only test "is completed", you can use .GetResult() on the awaiter to check for exceptions while also fetching the result (which you can then discard if you like)
  • in my case, I'm taking a shortcut by checking IsCompletedSuccessfully; this exists on ValueTask[<T>] (and on Task[<T>] in .NET Core 2.0, else you can check .Status == TaskStatus.RanToCompletion) - which is only true in the "completed without an exception" case
  • because of expectations around how exceptions on async operations are wrapped and surfaced, it is almost always preferable to just switch into the async flow if you know a task has faulted, and just await it; the compiler knows how to get the exception out in the most suitable way, so: let it do the hard work

You should explain more about ValueTask[<T>] vs Task[<T>] - not many people understand them well

OK! Many moons ago, Task<T> became a thing, and all was well. Task<T> actually happened long before C# had any kind of support for async/await, and the main scenarios it was concerned about were genuinely asynchronous - it was expected that the answer would not be immediately available. So, the ovehead of allocating a placeholder object was fine and dandy, dandy and fine.

As the usage of Task<T> grew, and the language support came into effect, it started to become clear that there were many cases where:

  • the operation would often be available immediately (think: caches, buffered data, uncontested locking primitives, etc)
  • it was being used inside a tight loop, or just at high frequency - i.e. something that happens thousands of times a second (file IO, network IO, synchronization over a collection, etc)

When you put those two things together, you find yourself allocating large numbers of objects for something that was only rarely actually asynchronous (so: when there wasn't data available in the socket, or the file buffer was empty, or the lock was contested). For some scenarios, there are pre-completed reusable task instances available (such as Task.CompletedTask, and inbuilt handling for some low integers), but this doesn't help if the return value is outside this very limited set. To help avoid the allocations in the general case, ValueTask[<T>] was born. A ValueTask[<T>] is a struct that implements the "awaitable" pattern (a duck-typed pattern, like foreach, but that's a story for another day), that essentially contains two fields:

  • a T if the value was known immediately (obviously not needed for the untyped ValueTask case)
  • a Task<T> if the value is pending and the answer depends on the result of the incomplete operation

That means that if the value is known now, no Task[<T>] (and no corresponding TaskCompletionSource<T>) ever needs to be allocated - we just throw back the struct, it gets unwrapped by the async pattern, and life is good. Only in the case where the operation is actually asynchronous does an object need to be allocated.

Now, there are three common views on what we should do with this:

  1. always expose Task[<T>], regardless of whether it is likely to be synchronous
  2. expose Task[<T>] if we know it will be async, expose ValueTask[<T>] if we think it may be synchronous
  3. always expose ValueTask[<T>]

Frankly, the only valid reason to use 1 is because your API surface was baked and fixed back before ValueTask[<T>] existed.

The choice between 2 and 3 is interesting; what we're actually talking about there is an implementation detail, so a good case could be argued for 3, allowing you to amaze yourself later if you find a way of doing something synchronously (where it was previously asynchronous), without breaking the API. I went for 2 in the code shown, but it would be something I'd be willing to change without much prodding.

You should also note that there is actually a fourth option: use custom awaitables (meaning: a custom type that implements the "awaitable" duck-typed pattern). This is an advanced topic, and needs very careful consideration. I'm not even going to give examples of how to do that, but it is worth noting that ReadAsync and FlushAsync ("pipelines" methods that we've used extensively here) do return custom awaitables. You'd need to really, really understand your reasons before going down that path, though.

I spotted a bug in your "next message number" code

Yes, the code shown in the post can generate two messages with id 1, after 4-billion-something messages:

messageId = ++_nextMessageId;
if (messageId == 0) messageId = 1;

Note that I didn't increment _nextMessageId when I dodged the sentinel (zero). There's also a very small chance that a previous message from 4-billion-ago still hasn't been replied to. Both of these are fixed in the "real" code.

You might be leaking your lease around the TrySetResult

In the original blog code, I had


If tcs is not null (via the "Elvis operator"), this allocates a lease and then invokes TrySetResult. However, TrySetResult can return false - meaning: it couldn't do that, because the underlying task was already completed in some other way (perhaps we added timeout code). The only time we should consider that we have successfully transferred ownership of the lease to the task is if it returns true. The real code fixes this, ensuring that it is disposed in all cases except where TrySetResult returns true.

What about incremental frame parsers?

In my discussion of handling the frame, I was using an approach that processed a frame either in it's entirety, or not at all. This is not the only option, and you can consume any amount of the frame that you want, as long as you write code to track the internal state. For example, if you are parsing http, you could parse the http headers into some container as long as you have at least one entire http header name/value pair (without requiring all the headers to start parsing). Similarly, you could consume some of the payload (perhaps writing what you have so far to disk). In both cases, you would simply need to Advance past the bit that you consider consumed, and update your own state object.

So yes, that is absolutely possible - even highly desirable in some cases. In some cases it is highly desirable not to start until you've got everything. Remember that parsing often means taking the data from a streamed representation, and pushing it into a model representation - you might actually need more memory for the model representation (especially if the source data is compressed or simply stored in a dense binary format). An advantage of incremental parsing is that when the last few bytes dribble in, you might already have done most of the parsing work - allowing you to overlap pre-processing the data with data receive - rather than "buffer, buffer, buffer; right - now start parsing it".

However, in the case I was discussing: the header was 8 bytes, so there's not much point trying to over-optimize; if we don't have an entire header now, we'll mostly likely have a complete header when the next packet arrives, or we'll never have an entire header. Likewise, because we want to hand the entire payload to the consumer as a single chunk, we need all the data. We could actually lease the target array as soon as we know the size, and start copying data into that buffer and releasing the source buffers. We're not actually gaining much by this - we're simply exchanging data in one buffer for the same amount of data in another buffer; but we're actually exposing ourselves to an attack vector: a malicious (or buggy) client can sent a message-header that claims to be sending a large amount of data (maybe 1GiB), then just ... keeps the socket open and doesn't send anything more. In this scenario, the client has sent almost nothing (maybe just 8 bytes!), but they've chewed up a lot of server memory. Now imagine they do this from 10, 100, or 1000 parallel connections - and you can see how they've achieved disproportionate harm to our server, for almost zero cost at the client. There are two pragmatic fixes for this:

  • Put an upper limit on the message size, and put an upper limit on the connections from a single endpoint
  • Make the client pay their dues: if they claim to be sending a large message (which may indeed have legitimate uses): don't lease any expensive resources until they've actually sent that much (which is what the code as-implemented achieves)

Emphasis: your choice of frame parsing strategy is entirely contextual, and you can play with other implementations.

So; that's the amendments. I hope they are useful. A huge "thanks" to the people who are keeping me honest here, including Shane GrĂ¼ling, David Fowler, and Nick Craver.